3 Your Money Personality
Your Money Personality Overview
Your money personality describes your natural personality preferences for dealing with money and how these preferences compare to those of others.
Understanding your money personality helps identify your strengths and weaknesses when it comes to personal financial management. These strengths and weaknesses significantly influence how effective you are in the accumulation and preservation of wealth.
Further, understanding different money personalities helps to improve communication, reduce conflict and stress, and increase effectiveness when working with your advisers, family members and colleagues.
To get the most out of this module, please take five minutes to complete the Money Personality quiz if you haven’t done so already.
To make this learning memorable we use four animals to describe the different personalities - Owl, Dolphin, Monkey and Labrador. Please don’t get caught up with the descriptor, focus on the behavioural preferences which each type represents and consider how these apply to you. By doing so you can gain a lot of insight from this module.