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Financial educator Vanessa Stoykov offers some tips to help shift your attitude towards money.
The ABC breaks down some of the main announcements from the 2024-25 Federal Budget.
It can be challenging to talk about money across generations. But starting those conversations with your parents can be crucial, especially when there are inheritances involved.
Many people aren’t comfortable discussing money, even with their partner. But sweeping money matters under the rug can lead to problems down the track.
Important as they might be, good financial management skills aren’t always taught in schools. What are some strategies parents can use to get their kids thinking about money?
Seeing your super or investments take a hit during a period of market volatility can be hard to stomach. But it pays to remember that fluctuations in share prices are part and parcel of investing.
It’s easy to ignore your super, but doing so can come at a great cost. Behavioural finance expert Simon Russell offers some tips to help boost your retirement savings if they’re off track.
Financial educator Nicole Pedersen-McKinnon offers a few tips for families looking to maximise their super.
Not sure what to do with the spare cash you have lying around? Financial educator Nicole Pedersen-McKinnon offers some tips.
Behavioural finance expert Simon Russell shares some ways that gaps in our knowledge can affect our plans for retirement.
Nicole Pedersen-McKinnon shares some tips to save money while still getting the most from your health insurance.
It can be difficult seeing your super balance go up and down, especially if you’re approaching retirement age. Here are some strategies to help you stay calm.
If you’re worried about making your retirement savings last, it might be time to switch things up a bit. The three bucket strategy is one approach worth considering.
Nicole Pedersen-McKinnon shares some of the options available to mortgage holders who might be struggling to service their loan.
No one wants mortgage debt hanging over them for longer than necessary. Nicole Pedersen-McKinnon offers some strategies to help you become debt-free sooner.
Watch the ABC News interview with Treasurer Jim Chalmers, where he discusses the measures outlined in the 2023-24 Budget.
This ABC News video explores some of the winners and losers of the 2023-24 Federal Budget.
Financial therapist Jane Monica-Jones shares some useful strategies to have in your toolkit if things get tough.
Inflation; it’s one of the most talked about topics right now. But what can it mean for your longer term financial position?
Simon Russell of Behavioural Finance Australia shares some insights to help get your super savings on track this year.
In this entertaining TED Talk, Riley Moynes offers some words of wisdom on how to make the most of your golden years.
Watch the ABC News segment on Labor’s 2022-23 Federal Budget and some of the proposed measures that underpin Labor’s promise of ‘Building a better future’.
In this ABC News video, Treasurer Jim Chalmers talks to Sarah Ferguson about the hard decisions that had to be made in Labor’s first Budget in nearly a decade.
If you’re nearing retirement, it’s important to make sure you understand sequencing risk and how to manage it.
Dr Joanne Earl from Macquarie University shares her research insights on the key ingredients to a positive and happy retirement.
Your home loan will likely be the largest debt you pay off in your lifetime, by taking a proactive approach you could free up cash flow sooner.
Dr. Kirsten MacDonald from Griffith University provides critical insights on how to avoid a triple whammy when making investment decisions in a crisis.
The 2022-23 Federal Budget papers provided information on the Government’s policy priorities (and proposed policy measures). In this ABC News video, James Glenday delves further into this information.
Treasurer Josh Frydenberg announced many proposed policy measures in the 2022-23 Federal Budget. In this ABC News video, Leigh Sales interviews the Treasurer to discuss these measures in more detail.
On 1 February 2022, the RBA made the decision to maintain the cash rate target at 10 basis points. In this ABC News video, Alan Kohler discusses his thoughts on home loans and interest rates.
If you are considering the sale of business assets, you may be eligible for CGT concessions, which could help with any associated capital gain. In this animation, we illustrate small business CGT concessions.
The increase in remote working is likely here to stay—one way (fully remote) or another (hybrid). In this video, there are tips on how to work remotely without having productivity or wellbeing suffer.
Making an insurance claim after an unfortunate health event can add additional stress, especially if you are unfamiliar with the claims process. In this animation, we illustrate the claims process.
Unfortunately, 2021 was again a difficult year for many of us—centred around the ongoing issues, and subsequent impact, of the COVID-19 pandemic. In this video, Google showcases searches that shaped 2021.
Saving for a home deposit can be a significant hurdle for first homebuyers. In this animation, we illustrate several thoughts and tips for prospective first homebuyers looking to save a home deposit.
What keeps us happy and healthy as we go through life? In this TED Talk, Robert Waldinger shares lessons learnt from a study on happiness, and practical wisdom on building a fulfilling, long life.
In pre- and post-retirement, it’s important to understand the risks retirees can face and have a retirement plan in place to help weather them. In this animation, we illustrate longevity risk.
Your thoughts on money, and the support around you, can play a key role in how you manage your money. In this video, National Geographic conducts an insightful experiment on the power of positivity.
Come retirement, many factors will have impacted your super account balance, such as time along with contributions. In this animation, we illustrate the details of non-concessional contributions.
Do you have wishes when you pass away? Do you know how you would like to be remembered? In this candid, heartfelt TED Talk, Michelle Knox touches on an often difficult subject to discuss with loved ones.
Goals-based investing can involve allocating investment assets that target a certain investment return to achieve a certain goal. In this animation, we illustrate the goals-based investing approach.
A mental health condition will affect 45.5% of Australians at some point in their lifetime. In this insightful TED Talk, Tom Oxley explores all things related to workplace mental health.
It can be difficult for someone who is separated or divorced—especially with children—to save an adequate home deposit. In this animation, we illustrate the finer details of the Family Home Guarantee.
For the 2018-19 financial year, the average individual tax refund was $2,959. In this Bloomberg video, distractions are covered—a segue to discuss forethought and the appropriate use of a tax refund.
Retirees will often experience three chapters as they progress through their retirement years: the early, middle, and late chapters. In this animation, we illustrate these three retirement chapters.
The COVID-19 pandemic has been impactful in many ways. For some, it has been a catalyst for reflection and change. In this TED Talk, Simon Sinek covers several quite deep and thought-provoking topics.
An unexpected traumatic event has the potential to have a serious financial impact on you. In this animation, we illustrate specified traumatic events that can be covered by trauma insurance policies.
In 2018, 47% of Australians had one or more of the 10 major chronic disease groups. In this video, the Australian Institute of Health and Welfare (AIHW) briefly covers the health of Australians in 2020.
Budgeting is an important foundation block for building and maintaining wealth. In this animation, we illustrate the power that can come from budgeting and putting in place an appropriate budget plan.
In April 2020, underemployment hit a historic high of 13.8%. This Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS) video covers the impact the COVID-19 pandemic has had on our jobs, industry and the economy.
In April 2020, 1 in 3 household’s finances worsened. This Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS) video covers the impact the COVID-19 pandemic has had on our health, wellbeing, lifestyle and finances.
We all tend to invest in either one or more of the different types of asset classes to help achieve our financial goals. In this animation, we illustrate the unique characteristics of each asset class.
ABC News’ James Glenday unpacks the 2021-22 Federal Budget—Australia’s current and forecast economic and fiscal position, as well as the Government’s policy priorities (and proposed policy measures).
In the 2021-22 Federal Budget, Treasurer Josh Frydenberg announced many proposed policy measures—ABC News’ Leigh Sales interviews the Treasurer to further discuss these proposed policy measures.
The loss or damage to property due to storms and fire can be devastating. General insurance can help in this regard. In this video, the Bureau of Meteorology explains the recent weather conditions.
Whether to keep or sell your home can be a complex decision when looking to enter residential aged care. In this animation, we illustrate the various options, and the potential impact of each on you.
In June 2020, there were roughly 3.3 million couple families with both partners being employed. In this TED Talk, Jennifer Petriglieri offers guidance on how working couples can support each other.
Our retirement income—and subsequent retirement outcome—can be affected by how we use our assets. In this animation, we illustrate one option to boost retirement income, the Pension Loans Scheme.
For many, the 2020 calendar year and the COVID-19 pandemic brought about a sudden and dramatic workplace shift. In this Bloomberg video, there are insightful discussions on the future of work.
For some investors, there may be a desire to align their investment values with their personal values. In this animation, we illustrate Environmental, Social & Governance (ESG) investing in detail.
2020 was a year unlike any other in recent memory—testing us financially, physically, mentally, and emotionally over an extended period. In this video, Google showcases searches that shaped 2020.
Come retirement, many factors can impact your super balance—such as time coupled with contributions. In this animation, we illustrate the finer details of concessional contributions.
A mindful money practice requires you to pay full attention to your money on a moment-by-moment basis. In this TED Talk, Dr Shauna Shapiro discusses how mindfulness can help us make positive changes.
For some of us, saving may be second nature or come easy due to circumstance, while for others, it may be more of a struggle. In this animation, we illustrate the concept of SMART savings goals.
Active saving and not borrowing for everyday expenses—these behaviours can positively impact your financial wellbeing. In this video, Saturday Night Live offers a light-hearted skit on this.
A pre-assessment is an informal way of finding out how insurers may view your formal insurance application. In this animation, we illustrate pre-assessments and their associated potential benefits.
Not all employees can choose the super fund for their employer contributions—recent legislation seeks to address this issue. Alongside this, we share a video by Jason Silva on the paradox of choice.
When looking to fund your retirement from your super benefits, it’s important to understand your options— and their appropriateness to you. In this animation, we illustrate super lump sum withdrawals.
Deloitte Access Economics’ Chris Richardson and Burman Invest’s Julia Lee discuss their thoughts on the 2020-21 Federal Budget, especially in relation to the level of debt that has been announced.
In the 2020-21 Federal Budget, Treasurer Josh Frydenberg announced many proposed measures, ABC News’ political correspondent, Greg Jennett, explains the key numbers behind some of these measures.
5-year survival rates for cancer can range from 16% (lung cancer) to 95% (prostate cancer). In this TED Talk, Dr Carl June, discusses a ground-breaking treatment method in the fight against cancer.
When it comes to having a healthy relationship with money, now and in the future, your money beliefs can play an important role. In this animation, we illustrate five common money misconceptions.
If you have received, or are expecting to receive, a tax refund this year, consider how it can be put to good use. In this motivational video, Tom Bilyeu talks on making your vision a reality.
When it comes to mitigating retirement-related risks, and providing for your retirement lifestyle, there can be several strategies employed. In this animation, we illustrate the three-bucket approach.
Can a product’s price influence our pre-purchase expectation, and post-purchase experience, of its quality? In this video, National Geographic conducts a tasty experiment to investigate this further.
When looking to enter the property market, gauging our potential borrowing power can be useful. In this animation, we illustrate borrowing power—both potential and actual borrowing power.
In the 2019 Budget, the Government announced their intention to provide more flexibility for older Australians to contribute to super. Accompanied by a clever Volvo video, we give an update on this.
From a care needs perspective, it’s vital to consider the retirement chapters we will move through, and plan accordingly. In this animation, we illustrate the Commonwealth Home Support Programme.
Looking after our wellbeing is vital, especially in times of elevated stress or anxiety. In this video, Médecins Sans Frontières (Doctors without Borders) provides some helpful self-care tips.
Our ideas about how people in other places and cultures live can be formed by the images we see in the media. In this TED Talk, Anna Rosling Rönnlund discusses an alternate viewpoint, Dollar Street.
Behavioural finance, a sub-field of behavioural economics, studies the psychology of decision-making. In this animation, we illustrate loss aversion, and how it can influence our decision-making.
Flexible working arrangements can include, among other things, remote working. In this video, the Wall Street Journal showcases how to create an ergonomic working environment.
Rational decision-making, especially during increased market volatility, can often make all the difference. In this video by Morningstar, market volatility and investment fundamentals are discussed.
When building and holding wealth, in certain circumstances, a non-super investment vehicle can be an appropriate consideration. In this animation, we illustrate investment (insurance) bonds.
Understandably, the COVID-19 outbreak is receiving considerable attention at the moment. In this animation, the World Health Organisation (WHO) provides information and guidance on the disease.
Australian families can pay as much for child care as they would to send their child to a private primary school. In this video, ABC News explores the impact of child care costs on family planning.
Underinsurance, which can refer to inadequate or no insurance, is a significant issue in Australia. In this animation, we illustrate the details of underinsurance in the personal insurance space.
Australia is experiencing devastating and widespread bushfires; support for those impacted is overwhelming. In this video, the ACCC Chairman provides details on scammers targeting bushfire relief.
Upon commencing an account-based pension, a minimum annual pension payment must be made (until such time that the pension ceases). In this animation, we illustrate the minimum annual pension payment.
“…a hero is an ordinary individual who finds strength to persevere and endure in spite of overwhelming obstacles.” (Christopher Reeve). In this video, Google showcases searches that shaped 2019.
Given the current environment, it can be difficult for first home buyers to save an adequate deposit. In this animation, we illustrate the finer details of the First Home Loan Deposit Scheme (FHLDS).
When faced with a problem, it’s important to consider the approach you take to overcome it. In this TED Talk, Dr. Lani Nelson Zlupko provides strategies to overcome a personal or work-related problem.
Understanding where you are and where you want to be is important when setting out to achieve the latter. In this animation, we illustrate the phrase, ‘your financial situation, goals and objectives’.
Are you a high-income earner with multiple employers? A bill that recently became law may be of interest to you. In this funny video, Mr Bean shows us how to not head off to work in the morning.
Upon your passing, an intergenerational wealth transfer may occur; the transfer of your wealth to the next generation. In this animation, we illustrate important considerations regarding this event.
Genetics, gender, healthcare and lifestyle are all factors that can affect longevity. In this TED Talk, Susan Pinker, a longevity researcher, discusses an often overlooked factor, social interaction.
When assessing an investment’s performance, it’s important to consider the information in front of you. In this animation, we illustrate the difference between nominal and real rate of return.
Global food waste has wide-reaching economic, environmental and social implications. In this video, Dr. M. Sanjayan explores business and household food waste problems and solutions.
What is your ideal retirement? In this animation, we illustrate the reasons why some of us continue to (or recommence) work; the benefits of doing so, and the important considerations to be aware of.
In the process of preparing your tax return? Any potentially claimable work-related expenses? In this funny video, Jimmy Fallon talks to kids about what they think their parents do all day at work.
When disposing of an asset, you may find that you make a capital gain or loss. If you do make a capital gain, tax is generally payable. In this animation, we illustrate capital gains tax (CGT).
When managing your personal finances, ‘practice makes perfect’. In this video by Dude Perfect, a few individuals show that anything is possible if you put your mind to it…and practice.
When making financial decisions, it’s important to take the time to consider your two self’s: your present self; and, your future self. In this animation, we illustrate this concept further.
“Shoot for the moon. Even if you miss, you’ll land among the stars.” (Norman Vincent Peale). In this SpaceX video, a Falcon Heavy rocket launches into space with a rather unique payload.
A recent survey has found that on average Australians have a financial wellbeing score of 59 out of 100. In this animation, we illustrate what is financial wellbeing, and the things that influence it.
In this highly emotive TED Talk, Jonathan Gravenor shares his life’s journey – confronting his own mortality, and in doing so, launching himself on a pilgrimage to become a better man.
Pre and post-retirement, it’s vital to understand the risks that retirees face and have a retirement plan in place to help weather these obstacles. In this animation, we illustrate sequencing risk.
At some point in your life you may find that you need assistance to continue living at home. In this video, Saturday Night Live provide a light-hearted segue to talk about aged care services.
A key question to consider is whether you have enough savings at hand to weather an unexpected financial emergency. In this animation, we illustrate the importance of establishing an emergency buffer.
Guardian Australia's political editor Katharine Murphy highlights the political context of the 2019-20 Federal Budget, given the Government’s wish to hand it down before the next election.
PwC's chief economist Jeremy Thorpe discusses his thoughts on the 2019-20 Federal Budget, “Prudence prevails in this budget, but with challenges around low wage growth there’s a lot more to do.”
As a result of the proposed measures that have come out of Treasurer Josh Frydenberg's 2019-20 Federal Budget, ABC’s national affairs correspondent Greg Jennett explains the key numbers.
Minimalism involves reviewing your priorities and removing excesses that don’t add value to your life. In this video, Matt D’Avella shares how minimalism helped him with his personal finances.
Once you reach age 65, making voluntary contributions to your superannuation can prove more difficult given contribution eligibility rules. In this animation, we illustrate the work test exemption.
Your money personality (i.e. Owl, Dolphin, Labrador or Monkey) describes your natural personality preferences for dealing with money. In this funny video by the BBC, we see some personalities at work.
An important part of wealth accumulation is putting appropriate strategies in place to manage risk. In this animation, we illustrate one such strategy – a comprehensive personal insurance plan.
As you close the chapter on 2018, it’s important to remember, “The past cannot be changed. The future is yet in your power.” (Unknown). In this video, Google showcases the searches that shaped 2018.
Over one-third of Australians don’t check the cash rate. In this animation, we illustrate the important relationship between monetary policy, cash rates and interest rates.
Bridging the gap between the present and your vision for the future can often seem like an insurmountable task. In this TED Talk, Stephen Duneier explains how to achieve your most ambitious goals.
Your beliefs on money can often govern what you associate with money, and the prospect of accumulating more money now and into the future. In this animation, we illustrate this in further detail.
The definition that’s often assigned to wealth can be quite restrictive and have implications for how you approach life. In this video, Alan Watt poses several insightful questions in this regard.
In your working life, you have a 1 in 3 chance of being disabled for more than 3 months. In this animation, we illustrate the details surrounding Total and Permanent Disability (TPD) insurance.
Much like your professional advice team, GPS navigation devices provide assistance on how to get from one point to another. In this funny video, we see an iconic character lend a voice in this regard.
From 1 July 2018, a carry forward provision applies, which is aimed at giving you the opportunity to ‘catch-up’ concessional contributions. In this animation, we illustrate the finer details.
Contemplating a DIY renovation project? In this video, Tim ‘The Tool Man’ Taylor displays one of many important considerations when he challenges Al Borland to a renovation duel.
Having an appropriate estate plan in place prior to an event is a vital consideration for your family and loved ones. In this animation, we illustrate the implications of passing away intestate.
For many of us, we may associate palliative care with aged care; however, in reality, it’s for anyone with a life-limiting or terminal illness. In this deeply moving Ted Talk, Lucy Kalanithi shares the journey that she and her husband went through after he was diagnosed with terminal cancer at just age 36.
Thinking about your own mortality can be both daunting and confronting as it’s often far removed from the expectations of how you see your life panning out, i.e. living to a ripe old age. In this animation, we highlight the important place that Life insurance can hold in an overall personal insurance plan.
Marathon running and mountain climbing are often used as metaphors for other areas of our lives, whether it be personal or work-related. In this video, we see people pushing themselves to overcome internal and external challenges in the exploration and pursuit of their goals and objectives.
From 1 July 2018, the First Home Super Saver Scheme will allow eligible prospective first homebuyers to withdraw their voluntary superannuation contributions and, an amount of associated earnings, to assist with the purchase or construction of their first home. In this animation, we explore this in more detail.
According to the ACCC’s annual scam report, the total reported losses from scams in 2017 was over $340 million. When it comes to scams, it’s important to remember, ‘If it seems too good to be true, it probably is’. In this funny video by Hamish and Andy, we see some highly evolved primates at Werribee Open Range Zoo.
From 1 July 2018, those aged 65 or over will be able to use the proceeds from the sale of their home, to make a downsizer contribution of up to $300,000 each into superannuation (subject to complying with some finer details). In this animation, we take an in-depth look into the Downsizing Measure.
Beliefs on money are protective or liberating ideas, thoughts, or opinions that you hold about money. In this TED Talk, an inspirational individual, Isaac Lidsky, challenges us to let go of excuses, assumptions and fears, and accept the awesome responsibility of being the creators of our own reality.
Imagine being unable to work for a period due to a sickness or injury. How would you and your family cope financially and plan for the future? We illustrate the importance of Income Protection insurance in terms of protecting a vital resource – your income earning capacity.
As a result of the proposed measures that have come out of Treasurer Scott Morrison's 2018-19 Federal Budget, ABC News discusses the potential winners and losers.
PwC Australia Economic Lead Partner Jeremy Thorpe shares his insights on this year’s Federal Budget. Front and centre is the Government’s spending and budget surplus forecasts – a potential ‘Slurpee’ budget.
As you progress through life, the many different areas of your personal finances will be leveraged to help you reach your financial goals and objectives. When these areas are appropriately managed, and work in harmony with one another, it can be ‘poetry in motion’. Watch this video to see what we mean.
Debt can come in many forms. However, despite their differences, they often have a common feature – you borrow a sum of money and repay it over time, with interest. In this animation, we explore the concept of good and bad debt, and the importance of appropriate debt management.
Given increasing technological advancements, a growing concern for some of us is the potential for job loss or displacement in the future due to computerisation and automation. In this video, we see a battle of speed, precision and creativity between a man and a rather ‘cheeky’ robot.
Unfortunately, there may come a time when you are unable to express your wishes regarding medical treatment due to an accident, sudden illness or progressive disease. In this animation, we discuss the benefits of an advanced care directive and several considerations when drafting one.
In this video, we see one of the most famous fables come to life with a race between a hare and a tortoise. This is a timely reminder of the importance of long-term investment fundamentals, for example, diversification, asset allocation, risk versus return, liquidity, compound interest and dollar cost averaging.
Many important considerations are taken into account when establishing a Total and Permanent Disability (TPD) insurance policy that appropriately reflects your needs. In this animation, we illustrate the super-linking strategy when considering claim definitions and the subsequent structuring of TPD insurance.
Past and present actions (and inactions) can often have a hand in shaping the course of the future. This can be especially true when considering your personal finances. In this video, we revisit some of the most influential moments that occurred around the world last year.
Albert Einstein once famously said, “Compound interest is the eighth wonder of the world...” In this animation, we illustrate the power of compound interest – importantly, the principles behind compounding are not just limited to your interest bearing savings account.
When reflecting on life, often it’s not our material possessions, but rather the memorable experiences that we have accumulated over the years that hold greater meaning to us. In this video, Chris Hemsworth suggests travel and exploration of Australia to help you collect a few more memorable experiences.
Your spending habits can often have a profound impact on not only your existing financial situation, but also your capacity to influence the achievement of your financial goals and objectives. In this animation, we discuss the importance of tracking your spending.
Philanthropy can come in many shapes and sizes, both financial and non-financial. An appropriate and planned approach to philanthropy can be a truly rewarding experience and make a real difference to those in need. In this video, we take a funny look at a slightly misguided ‘philanthropic’ endeavour.
Trauma (or critical illness) insurance is one of the four main types of personal insurances, the others being Life, Income Protection and Total and Permanent Disability. In this animation, we discuss several of the main points regarding Trauma insurance.
One of the greatest benefits of teamwork is the power of leverage. This refers to the advantage you gain by having more than just you working towards a desired outcome. In this motivational video, we see individuals come together to form a team and achieve a common goal.
Whilst a home loan may help you to enter the housing market, it’s important to remember that this will most likely be the largest debt that you pay off in your lifetime. In this animation, we provide you with helpful tips to pay off your home loan sooner.
There are often numerous factors that affect our ability to reach the goals and objectives that we set for ourselves in life. In this video, Angela Lee Duckworth explains her theory of “grit” as a predictor of success.
An important part of an estate plan is making sure your affairs are in order prior to your passing. In this animation, we discuss superannuation death benefits, eligible beneficiaries and different types of beneficiary nominations you can make.
When the day finally comes to retire there may be a mix of emotions. The end of one journey and the beginning of a new one. In this video, we look at Bill Gates’ humorous video showcasing his last day of work at Microsoft.
How Australians choose to spend their tax refund can vary considerably. In this animation, we provide a number of helpful spending suggestions that could help you make the most of your tax refund.
What does happiness mean, what role does it play in your life, and how do you achieve it? In this video, Mo Gawdat, Chief Business Officer for Google X, proposes a mathematical equation for happiness.
There are various investment methods available to help build and maintain wealth over the long-term. In this animation, we explore managed funds, how they work and the relative merits of investing in one.
Accumulating wealth can come in many forms, such as saving, investing and paying down debt. In this video, Dave Allen highlights the pitfalls of deviating from your plan and waiting around for ‘free’ money.
Estate planning can be complicated. When people review Estate planning, they often also discuss powers of attorney. In this animation, we discuss the different powers of attorney and how they may be of benefit to you.
Do you remember playing Monopoly as a child? If so, do you think the way you played may have changed if you’d used real money? In this video, we explore the importance of educating your children on the value of money from an early age especially given the emergence of 'tap & pay'.
When developing a business succession plan, having a buy/sell agreement in place may be a key consideration. In this animation, we discuss how this may assist in a smooth transition between a departing business owner and the remaining owners who wish to carry on with the business.
In this video, Institute of Public Accountants CEO Andrew Conway outlines the IPA's view on the major outcomes of the 2017-18 Federal Budget.
In this video, Sandra Sully and Hugh Riminton discuss several of the proposed measures within the 2017-18 Federal Budget.
For some of us, our bad habits may be put down to a simple case of, ‘‘We are what we repeatedly do”. This video may have an answer to breaking those habits through ‘mindfulness’.
Negative gearing is a wealth accumulation strategy that often also aims to minimise tax. In this animation, we demonstrate what negative gearing is and several of the important considerations around utilising this strategy for wealth creation.
Often we may feel that there is something limiting our ability to reach financial goals and objectives. Perhaps it's our money personality and spending habits? In this video, someone’s life is positively impacted when others reach out by ‘making something to make a difference’.
There are many risks that you may face when it finally comes time to retire, such as investment, legislative and longevity risk. In this animation, we discuss these and other risks that may impact on your expected retirement lifestyle.
What would you do if you had the chance to talk to your younger self? Would you try and provide some advice to change one or two decisions you made in life? A boy and man sit down together and discuss life from their perspectives and then provide each other with some friendly advice.
When planning for the income needed in retirement, there are many strategies that you can consider. One option available, depending on your circumstances, is an annuity. We explore a number of considerations when it comes to utilising an annuity in your overall plan.
2016 was an eventful year in the finance world. With all this mind, we provide you with a short video that looks back on 2016, to take some time to consider milestones that you have personally reached and how you are tracking for your future goals and objectives.
Salary sacrificing is a term that many of us have heard, but what does it actually mean and how can we benefit from its use? In our animation we consider the tax-effective and wealth accumulation benefits of entering into a salary sacrifice arrangement with your employer.
“Empathy is the faculty to resonate with the feelings of others. When we meet someone, who is joyful, we smile. When we witness someone in pain, we suffer in resonance with his or her suffering” (Matthieu Ricard). In this video, two people connect over their different walks of life.
Synergy refers to the creation of a whole that is greater than the simple sum of its parts. In this animation, we explore how building your own personal finance team, and then directing them towards a specific goal or objective, can help you reach financial empowerment.
Are you currently trying to keep up with the Joneses? In life, everyone has their own financial journey so instead of worrying about what others are doing or how much they appear to have, it is important to stay focused on your own financial goals and objectives.
Many families consider personal insurances for the household’s main or sole income earner, but what about the non-working spouse? This animation explores why insuring both heads of the household may be an important consideration in developing your personal insurance plan.
Life is full of long and windy turns, obstacles and tough decisions. Taking the ‘road less travelled’, towards building personal wealth, begins with believing in ourselves. Watch this funny video for your guide on giving yourself a pep talk today.
In drafting your Will, there’s an important part where you have to nominate who you would like to administer your estate in the event of your passing. It is important to appoint an Executor that you feel comfortable with and who you believe holds the necessary skills to handle the responsibilities of the role.
Do you sometimes get side-tracked when on the path to completing a personal or work task before its deadline? For some people procrastination can also play a part in how they approach their personal finances. We hope you enjoy this funny and insightful talk.
Have you ever been in the situation where you needed to withdraw cash, close a term deposit before maturity, sell-down managed funds or shares, or put a property on the market to meet a sudden demand? The effort it takes to convert an asset into cash can vary widely.
It’s fine to give away your money or other assets to family members, friends or charities, but if you currently receive or expect to qualify for a pension or other allowance bear in mind that Centrelink does apply limits to how much you can gift.
Head into the happiness laboratory today for a different perspective on forgiveness in this short video. Some studies point to a correlation between your ability to show forgiveness and things like stress, health, anxiety, pain perception and happiness.
Why do you manage your money the way you do? You might be surprised to know that we all have a money personality which influences our behaviour and decisions and ultimately our success with money, see our latest animation.
It's safe, low risk, guaranteed rent, big returns. You go along just to find out more, it looks good, it feels good, you get excited and you don't want to miss out. Some food for thought before you sign on the dotted line and hand over your hard earned savings.
Having a self-managed superfund comes with a range of responsibilities. In this video we explain the things SMSF trustees need to do at or around the end of each financial year.
When is the last time you did absolutely nothing for 10 whole minutes? Not texting, talking or even thinking? Find out about the transformative power of refreshing your mind for 10 minutes a day.
For most people, access to super starts at or close to retirement, but in extreme circumstances you may be able to access your super sooner if you meet certain requirements. This video looks at the different options that you have to draw down your super and when earlier access may apply.
Suspicious emails: unclaimed insurance bonds, diamond-encrusted safe deposit boxes, close friends marooned in a foreign country. They pop up in our inboxes, and standard procedure is to delete on sight. But what happens when you reply?
Institute of Public Accountants General Manager Technical Policy, Tony Greco outlines the IPA's view on the 2016 Australian Federal Budget.
In this video Leigh Sales challenges Scott Morrison. Mr Morrison discusses the current deficit and what their plan is for the future economic growth for Australia.
Why is it that insurer’s ask so many questions when you apply for cover? This month’s video explains the underwriting process that insurers go through and how it can influence the terms of your insurance policy.
In this deceptively simple 3-minute talk, Dr. Laura Trice muses on the power of the magic words Thank You — to deepen a friendship, to repair a bond, to make sure another person knows what they mean to you. Try it.
A blackboard in the middle of New York City gives people a second chance at their dreams. Take a look at what these people would do differently – does it resonate with you?
Super splitting is a strategy that allows you to share your super contributions with your spouse. It can be a helpful way to boost your spouse’s super and may benefit you in other ways depending on your situation. See our video to learn more.
Ever wondered just how much your perspective influences an outcome? Have a look at this experiment where six people photograph the same man and produce very different results
Has it been a while since you have looked at your Super? Check out our newest animation to see what to look at when it comes to reviewing super accounts.
We know that taking time off is good for our health, but did you ever think it could be good for your work too? In this interesting video, designer Stefan Sagemeister discusses how powerful his time off has been for his business.
Time for a health check on your financial habits? Check out our video on what makes for healthy financial habits for a positive start to the new year.
To end the year, a touching short film about a kindly man who is rewarded for his generous spirit. It does not take much to make a small difference to people’s lives, and people will notice it.
Depending on how you look at it, investment risk can mean different things to different people. And there are many ways in which people put their financial position at risk without realizing. Check out our animation and see how this might apply to you and what you can do to manage your risks.
Do you know about the upcoming changes to the Pension Assets Test? Find out more about what to expect in our short video.
Every person has its own advice and tips to offer to the younger generation. This video has some interesting insights from the young to the more senior of what advice they would tell a younger self.
In some cases it is possible for an SMSF to borrow to buy an investment asset. However, be careful, there are many things to consider. Check out this short video about ways your SMSF may be able to help finance the purchase of an investment asset.
Spending money or saving money? This is the ongoing battle between present and future self. The battle can be unfair as your current self can be stronger than your future self – and this applies to money as well.
There are different ways that you can hold your life insurance, one way is through your superannuation fund. This animation looks at what should be considered with holding insurance inside of superannuation.
Shawn Achor is the CEO of Good Think Inc. Shawn is an entertaining presenter and explains whether it is possible to train your brain to be more positive.
Asset Allocation is important when it comes to investing. So what is Asset Allocation and how does it work? What are the important concepts to consider with Asset Allocation?
If you’re faced with something that’s unexpected, unwanted or uncertain would you consider it a gift?
Did you know that one of the biggest drivers for the performance of investments can often be due to the good or bad behaviour of an investor.
The analogies “smoke and mirrors” and “if it sounds too good to be true” come to mind in this funny video. Showing that you can turn nothing into something, quite convincingly if you know how.
Have you heard of the term “testamentary trust” before but aren’t really sure what they are? This animation provides a simple explanation what a testamentary trust is and how it works.
This video summarises the main points of the 2015 Federal Budget.
In this video David Speers talks to Joe Hockey about the 2015 ‘Have a go’ Federal Budget.
What do you think stands between you and where you want to be? Is it having enough time or money? Your health or resources? Is it fear of failure?
Have you ever wondered what a mortgage offset account is and how it might benefit you? This video explains more…
What will Australia look like in 40 years? In this video, Dr Karl (best known as an author and science commentator on Australian radio and television) investigates what the future challenges and opportunities Australia may face from the 2015 Intergenerational Report.
Many of us already have a dollar cost averaging strategy in place without even realising it. In this animation we explore the concept of dollar cost averaging and how this strategy works.
You may have heard the theory that we only use 10% of our brains. But is this actually true? In this short video we explore the brain’s capacity to store and retain information and discover why we aren’t so good at multi-tasking.
There are many different ways you can build your super balance in preparation for retirement. In this video we take a look at some of the common ways you can contribute to your superannuation.
Where is your income going to come from when you retire? This animation takes a quick look at a typical retiree’s sources of income in retirement.
This six year old, called “The Flying Squirrel” may well just be the best surfer and skater for her age in the world. Prepare to be gobsmacked.
Sometimes it feels like the years just slip by. Here is a look at some of the memories of 2014.
A Melbourne-based pop up store is selling something quite unique. Organic, natural bottled air, sunshine and moonlight are just a few items from their product range. Are they serious? Let’s find out.
Planning for and talking about aged care early helps to provide better outcomes for senior people, their families and carers. Our animation explores some of the options for senior Australians considering aged care.
It wouldn’t feel like Christmas without Christmas lights, a big tree and some catchy Christmas tunes! This impressive Christmas lights display in California takes a humorous look at the Christmas holiday period.
Why do people invest in shares? This video explains the types of returns generated by investment in Australian shares.
Alzheimer’s disease is the most common form of dementia affecting over 40 million people worldwide. This video takes a look at how Alzheimer's affects the brain, shedding light on the different stages of this disease.
If you are approaching retirement, or have reached your preservation age, you may be wondering what options you have for your superannuation monies. This animated video explains more.
A video that explains the math behind interest rates and how to calculate the future value of your money.
A short animation explaining the ins and outs of credit cards, how they work and how to manage a credit card more efficiently.
If you’ve ever wondered what’s involved in establishing and running a Self Managed Super Fund, then this video is for you. Take a quick look at the roles and responsibilities of setting up and running a SMSF.
There are many rules and regulations when it comes to working out whether you qualify for an Age Pension. This short animation explains some of them.
Tax time is always fun. Putting together the shoebox of information and gathering documentation for all of those important deductions. This video explains some rules.
If you’re a frequent traveller (or not), chances are that you’re packing incorrectly. This video shows how to ‘bundle pack’ – the ultimate hack for packing.
Did you know that the Big Mac is used in economics as a tool to gauge currency values? Referred to as the Big Mac Index, this video looks into “Burgernomics”.
It can be uncomfortable to think about, but planning for your death can make a big difference to the lives of those left behind as well as significantly influence the longevity and application of your assets.
For many of us, winning the lotto would be a dream come true. But in reality, coping with a financial windfall may not be the jackpot that it’s cracked up to be!
“Joe Hockey's 'contribute and build' budget can also be labelled the 'no pain, no gain' budget”, says Emma Griffiths, political correspondent for the ABC. Check out what else Griffiths has to say on the 2014/15 Federal Budget.
What would you do if you had to relearn to live a different way and accept that suddenly all the things that you loved doing you couldn't do anymore? Would you fall in a heap emotionally and financially?
With Australia’s life expectancies at their highest level, you may just live for longer than you anticipate, like this fit and healthy 90 year old! What does this mean when planning for your retirement?
Many people choose to ease into retirement and make adjustments to their work and lifestyle over time. This video explores the ways a Transition to Retirement strategy can help you or a loved one ease into retirement.
This video asks kids how much they think top basketball stars make each year. Although funny, it highlights how foreign the concept of money can be and the importance of educating our younger generation on money matters.
Keeping with our New Year’s theme, this funny video highlights how a little careful planning can go a long way towards helping you achieve your goals – no matter how ambitious.
In this video Ashton Kutcher talks about keeping your career going - making your own luck, being smart/thoughtful/generous and living life.
Purchasing a home can be an overwhelming process. There a quite a few things to consider and costs to account for. It therefore makes sense to take your time, do your research and make sure that you are paying the right price for the right property.
Approaching your financial life with a non-serious yet focused attitude will help overcome any difficulties that come your way while making the most of the money you make and accumulate.
Success can be defined as getting back up each time you fall over. Getting back up and financially focused is as important as making a plan in the first place.
Has an investment scam ever left a sour taste in your mouth? The scams that top the list are Lotteries, pyramid schemes and phishing attacks. So we all need to be alert. 800,000 Australians fall victim to scams each year.
6 million people are exposed and 800,000 fell victim and lost almost $1billion via scams and fraud. Are you part of this statistic? Given that many of the scams originate outside Australia, it pays to be vigilant. This video explores Investment Scams.
In this video there are a few useful tips to get the most out of your technology.
The Federal Budget includes little in the way of surprises with the usual promise of big savings and big spending, though not this election year.
It’s interesting to see how people make different observations and conclusions based on a surface review. Sometimes a deeper review can provide a more accurate understanding of what is going on.
Practical jokes are a great tonic to the seriousness that can swarm around us; however, money, finance, returns and taxation aren’t typically treated lightly, and rightly so, it is important to make the most of the money you earn and have accumulated.
Getting clear on what you want and staying focused on the steps needed to achieve your goals can be easier said than done, particularly given the amount of noise in our technologically rich society these days.
What you do and don’t do influences the amount of drama you will likely experience in your life. If you think drama is enjoyable, just look at the faces of these button presser’s.
While flying is no doubt a risky activity, the risk can be reduced by the flyer having the appropriate competence and emotional confidence.
This video shows us the power of money. Don’t waste it on stuff, use it to make your life richer.
If you have people who are financially dependent upon you, and/or you would like to look after someone once you’re gone, it’s important to review your asset and income position, and how this relates to your insurance coverage.
Watching this video can give you a taste of the travel bug – is there anywhere you want to go? Sometimes we get stuck in the mundane and ‘rut’ of life. Life is about experience, sharing fun times and living each day.
In this short video, we see a fascinating demonstration of water art. While you can be mesmerised with what the artist is creating, once done, the artist brushes his work away in a moment. This reminds us of how quickly things can change, and how we can attempt to hold on to the way something used to be.
Like the evolution of music and dance, personal finance and world markets will continue to evolve and change. What’s more important than worrying about the change is ensuring your fundamentals are working for you.
How much money do we really need to enjoy life? Do we really need that new car, the new jet ski, the around the world holiday to feel the joy of life? In this video, the local school bus driver shows us how to laugh and enjoy life.
A very funny video that reminds us that while giving directions to another can be a nice thing to do, sometimes we can end up red faced if we don’t know what we are talking about, or if someone misinterprets what we suggest.
In this entertaining video you will laugh, squirm and wonder how on earth he does what he does.
There is a saying that rich men have big library’s and small TV’s. We are not claiming this to be categorically true, however, it is important to recognise that what we choose to learn and understand is a predictor of what our future holds.
Please watch this video right to the end. You will be rewarded! Whether you’re a fan of Ellen or not, or you don’t even know who Ellen is, this is an extremely funny interview with Accountant Keith Dickie.
In this somewhat corny video the scientist reveals the hidden factor within the fire that saves the handkerchief and the $100 note.
The more your financial arrangements are in rhythm the easier it is to plan.
Here are a few things to consider, and to do, which may just keep the peace around your finances.
Bobby McFerrin hacks your brain while teaching us about how we react to the unexpected.
Time flies by so quickly. Take a moment to watch some of the major events of 2011.
Master Oogway points out one of life's gifts, but what about the others.
A hilarious reminder of what you believe in deeply will move you.
What Elmo can teach us about making the most out of our work and beyond.
Warren Buffett shares some of the principles that have worked for him over the years.
Whether you’re into your numbers or not, you’ll get a laugh out of this short and quick look at creative accounting.
What does tying one's shoelaces have to do with living long and prospering?
Ever wanted to do something differently but never made it?
A fascinating video showing change in health and wealth across generations and the world!
Whether or not you're a fan of Social Media, it's fascinating to see the compounding growth.
No discipline? Credit cards are a bit like having a time out, without sitting in the corner.
Procrastinate? Methods and tips!
This analogy applies to much more than waves in the ocean.
We often feel like everything is under control, then, BANG! Something smacks us right in the face.
Hilarious Chicago clean comedian Tim Clue talks debt.
How to sing 25 Christmas songs in 2 minutes.
A light-hearted look at what teamwork can achieve.
Stretch what you think is possible!
A very clever video by a Mum who clearly knows the demands on being a Mum.
A funny video for the Dad's who are moving through the midstream of life.
After hitting on a brilliant new life plan, our first instinct is to tell someone, but Derek Sivers says it's better to keep goals secret.
Was that a sunburnt face or just embarassment?
Being confident is only useful when it aligns to reality.
A light-hearted look at an example of Leadership and the 'Second Follower'.
Celeb chefs offer their advice on creating top meals to cut Food Waste and to save Money.
Why do people succeed? Is it because they're smart? Or are they just lucky? Neither.
Did you know that John Lennon showed all the signs of having the Dolphin money personality? In this video, we see his iconic song 'Imagine', sung by people from around the world.
This follows on from Part 1. The Short and Simple Story of the Credit Crisis.
The Short and Simple Story of the Credit Crisis (Part 1).
Kyle Chin skates from top to bottom down a beautiful hill in Outerspace.
This is a short video presentation on how the financial markets work.
Your Day in numbers in 140 seconds.
14 months in the making, 42 countries, and a cast of thousands.
Describing the mindset of the investment banking community in the GFC in this satirical interview.
Guy explains that you don’t need a big fancy mission statement.
Steve Jobs urges pursuit of your dreams and see the opportunities in life's setbacks.
Creativity expert Sir Ken Robinson challenges the way we're educating our children.