For many people, the life insurance discussion only starts in earnest when children enter the picture. But how exactly can the right life insurance benefit your family?

Your insurance shouldn’t be set-and-forget. In fact, there are plenty of situations where reviewing your insurance can leave you and your family better off.

Simon Russell explores some of the mental shortcuts people often rely on when conducting their financial affairs, and whether we should use them more or discard them altogether.

You won’t be blamed for avoiding thinking about death and total and permanent disability (TPD) insurance. But depending on your occupation you might be doing yourself a disservice.

Beating inflation is no easy task, but Nicole Pedersen-McKinnon offers some handy tips to help make the rising cost of living more manageable.

The most valuable thing you own might not be your home, your car, or even your investment portfolio. We look at how to protect this often overlooked asset.

Insurance premiums that are deducted from your super balance are easy to forget about. If you have insurance through super, read on.

Investing in an education bond is one way to invest and save for a child’s education. We explain how they work.

How is your financial health? Check in on your finances with these simple and practical tips.

Your annual statement can provide an opportunity to scrutinise your super. Here we cover some areas to review when it comes your way.

The effects of the pandemic have led to significant increases in life insurance premiums in recent months. We look at what to consider before making any changes to your policy.

In the finance industry, there can be a considerable amount of jargon. In this article, we help clarify some of the commonly used jargon within the personal insurance space.

When an underwriter assesses the information contained in an individual’s insurance application, the need to take risk-reduction action may be identified. In this article, we discuss revised terms.

APRA supervises institutions and promotes financial system stability. In this article, we discuss APRA’s new guidance and direction regarding home loan serviceability and income protection insurance.

There can be many benefits to holding TPD insurance. In this article, we discuss several supplementary provisions contained within some TPD insurance policies focused on enhanced coverage.
Your retirement income (and outcome) can be intrinsically linked to your accumulation, and use, of wealth inside super. In this article, we provide tips on reviewing your annual super statement.
A new financial year can be an opportune time to take stock of your overall personal finances and make changes if needed. In this article, we provide a list of questions that may help you with this.
Personal insurances can be a key consideration when it comes to wealth accumulation and related health (and financial) risk management strategies. In this article, we summarise the main insurances.

When it comes to achieving financial wellbeing, financial literacy plays a key role. In this article, we have put together a quiz to test your knowledge across various areas of your personal finances.
With 30 June coming up, please consider putting aside time to review your personal finances—and take action, prior to this date, if appropriate. In this article, we provide EOFY planning tips.

When establishing an insurance policy, it’s important to choose an appropriate ownership structure. In this article, we cover total and permanent disability (TPD) insurance and ownership structures.

A number of variables influence the insurance premiums payable on a personal insurance policy. In this article, we cover one such variable, insurance premium style and the options available.
Many, but not all, pursuits and pastimes are often accepted at standard rates in a formal insurance application. In this article, we provide information on these and other pursuits and pastimes.
Treasurer Josh Frydenberg delivered the 2020-21 Federal Budget on 6 October 2020. We provide you with an overview of the main proposed measures that may be relevant to you and your personal finances.
The receipt and review of your annual super statement can assist you to stay actively engaged with, and well-informed on, your super. In this article, we provide a review checklist to help with this.
The Treasurer delivered a ‘mini-budget’ on 23 July 2020—an economic and fiscal update. In this article, we provide a summary of the update, inclusive of the main personal finance-related points.
There can be many benefits to holding life insurance. In this article, we discuss several supplementary provisions held within some life insurance policies that have a focus on enhanced coverage.
With the end of financial year on the horizon, it’s important to review areas of our personal finances, and take action if required, before 30 June. In this article, we discuss EOFY planning tips.
To access super, a condition of release must be met. In this article, we list these conditions of release, and also provide information on the potential long-term impact of accessing super early.
When an adverse event does occur, the outcome for those with an appropriate measure in place and those without can be vastly different. In this article, we list various personal finance measures.
APRA has released several measures that affect income protection insurance. In this article, we provide an overview of these measures, especially in relation to the agreed value benefit type.
A resolution is a firm decision to do or not to do something. In this article, we discuss New Year’s resolutions, and why it can be challenging to keep these resolutions (and resolutions generally).
A bill, which builds upon the previously passed ‘Protecting Your Super Package’, recently passed through parliament. In this article, we explore the combined impact of these pieces of legislation.
‘It’ll be right’ or ‘bulletproof’ is a health mindset held by some of us. In this article, we unpack key findings into the prevalence, incidence, risk and cost burden of ill health in Australia.
As a super fund member, you will be receiving your annual super statement soon. In this article, we provide you with a helpful checklist for reviewing this important document.
Several changes are coming to superannuation, and action may be required on your part prior to 1 July 2019. In this article, we discuss the recently legislated Protecting Your Superannuation Package.
Many Bills managed to become Acts before the dissolution of parliament. In this article, we look at several of these pertaining to social security, superannuation and taxation.
Many Bills lapsed following the dissolution of parliament ahead of the federal election. In this article, we look at several of these pertaining to employment, social security and superannuation.
As we approach the end of financial year (EOFY), this can be an opportune time to do some fine-tuning in areas of your personal finances. In this article, we provide EOFY planning tips.
A needs analysis can be an important initial step in the establishment of an appropriate personal insurance plan. In this article, we explore needs analysis and linked personal insurance policies.
Insurance premiums can vary considerably from one person to the next due to the diverse range of variables at play. In this article, we explore several of these variables via a case study.
With 2019 here, it’s time to kick-start your personal finances for the year ahead. In this article, we provide you with a financial checklist to help you take stock of your personal circumstances.
Insurance, in general, can sometimes be seen as a ‘grudge purchase’ as there can be a perception of little tangible value (until claim time). In this article, we explore the risk probability/impact matrix to highlight the value of personal insurances when it comes to managing certain lifetime risks.
Treasurer Scott Morrison delivered the 2018-19 Federal Budget on 8 May 2018. We provide you with a summary of the main proposed measures that may be relevant to you and your personal finances.
When it comes to recommending which insurer (and their offering) may be appropriate for you and managing expectations around potential outcomes of a formal insurance application, often an important step in the process can be the completion of a pre-assessment. In this article, we explain what one is.

Whether you are a business owner, manager or employee, you may find this article interesting. We discuss the benefits of businesses implementing workplace health and wellness programs. Put simply, research indicates that, healthy workers = healthy organisations = healthy business performance and productivity.
Perspective can be a powerful tool when used appropriately. Have you ever wondered how you compare to the average Australian in terms of financial attitudes and behaviours? We look at several of the findings from ASIC’s latest Australian Financial Attitudes and Behaviour Tracker (Wave 5).

Without an appropriate Plan B in place, an unexpected passing, sickness or injury can often have a serious financial impact on your household. Consequently, when considering personal insurances we often think about covering ourselves. In this article, we discuss the Child Trauma Benefit.
Warren Buffett, known as the ‘Oracle of Omaha’, is arguably one of the most successful investors of all time. In this article, we take a look at some of his most famous quotes and apply the meaning behind them to certain areas of your personal finances, such as investing, risk management and philanthropy.
Depending on your personal circumstances, you may find that an investment bond forms a component of your overall investment portfolio. In this article, we take a look at what an investment bond is and some important considerations before investing in one.

One important factor when considering the establishment of an Income Protection insurance policy is the benefit type. In this article, we discuss the difference between indemnity and agreed value.
There are many benefits to holding Income Protection insurance. In this article, we discuss several supplementary provisions held within some Income Protection insurance policies that have a focus on enhanced coverage.
The end of financial year is close. In this article, we look at end of financial year planning strategies that may be worth considering, when it comes to tax and superannuation.

The ongoing debate about private health insurance appears to be a constant one among Australians, especially when premium increases each year come to the forefront. We look at several reasons to consider retaining or taking out private health insurance.
When considering the potential for a future claim on our Trauma insurance, we often think about the big four traumatic medical events e.g. heart attack, stroke, cancer and coronary artery bypass. It is important to remember that contemporary trauma insurance policies now also provide greater protection with the provision of a much larger range of specified medical events.

For many of us Total and Permanent Disablement cover forms a component of our overall personal insurance plan; in the event of a disabling sickness or injury it has been designed to help to take the financial stress off the table at a time when our world has been turned upside-down. In this article, we explore the types of claim definitions available and their respective differences.
Insurance is one of those things many of us set-and-forget, but a quick review of your insurance policies at least once a year is a worthwhile exercise that can help save costs and ensure peace of mind. So where do you start?
With early diagnosis and advancements in medical treatment, the chance of surviving serious illnesses such as heart attack, stroke or cancer is much higher than in years gone by. However the process of recovery can be emotionally and financially draining. So how do we protect ourselves?
Tax time can be a breeze for some and a nightmare for others. As we are just a few months away from the end of financial year, now is the perfect time to organise your financial affairs with our end of financial year planning tips!
Personal insurance plans include a range of different kinds of cover to protect you and your family’s lifestyle in case of an unexpected change to your health. Make sure you know what the terms mean for you.
It’s nearly time to sign off from work and start the holidays. Give yourself a stress-free vacation knowing that your finances are taken care of by ticking off these financial ‘to-dos’.
With so many decisions to make in life, we often forget to plan. But certain events are too important to gamble with - have you planned for the things that matter?
There are many things to consider when returning to work after caring for young ones. There are both financial and non-financial considerations. This article explores the important things that need to be considered.
In this article we explain that when taking out personal insurances you have the choice of how the premium cost is structured and how much you will pay for your insurance cover over the life time of your policy.
When the unexpected happens and unplanned financial expenses occur do you have the funds at call ready to cover them or are you someone who uses credit to bail yourself out?
Trauma Insurance was first introduced in 1983. What’s the purpose and why is it needed?

It certainly isn’t recommended to make changes for change sake, but your Life insurance should not be established with a “set and forget” mentality. We take a look at 5 reasons why you may need to review your personal insurances.

Did you know 83% of Australians say they have insurance for their car yet only 31% insure their income? In this article we explore the relative misunderstanding of the importance of personal insurance and the risk underinsurance creates for Australians.
With the end of the financial year having just passed, it means it's now time to get ready to lodge your 2012/13 tax return! This article provides our top tips to help you prepare and get the most from your 2012/13 tax return.

If you feel like you’ve run out of time to get your affairs in order, the good news is there’s a few considerations which can help minimise your tax, and make the most of the money you earn.

Children’s Trauma insurance provides a lump sum payment for a parent whose child suffers a major health trauma.
These days an unprecedented amount of personal information is stored on computers. Canny scammers readily look for ways to grab this information for their personal advantage.

The biggest asset for most people under the age of say 55 is their ability to earn an income. It’s easy to take this income-earning ability for granted especially when we are feeling reasonably fit and well.
If you do have future financial goals, such as, retirement, buying a house, paying off your mortgage or buying a car or boat, then planning can certainly help achieve such goals in a timely and effective way.
As there are so many areas of finance, it can be overwhelming to review every area of your finances. Here is a short list of suggestions that might help you choose some areas that you would like to review or make a change in.