Whether at the petrol pump or the supermarket checkout, sharp price increases are never welcome. But are there things we can do to protect against inflation?

All those market fluctuations you learned to live with throughout your working life become much more consequential as you approach retirement.

In the lead-up to divorce, it’s crucial for women to grasp key financial principles before taking this life-changing step.

The more you know about the threats to your retirement savings, the more in control you’ll feel whenever they arise.

While there’s an excitement to not knowing what your post-work years have in store for you, chances are you don’t want to put a foot wrong.

Financial freedom is about being able to pursue the lifestyle you want without being weighed down by financial concerns. We explore how you might be able to achieve that.

Simon Russell explores some of the mental shortcuts people often rely on when conducting their financial affairs, and whether we should use them more or discard them altogether.

Despite all your planning and budgeting, there’s every chance that you’ll encounter surprise expenses in retirement. We examine just a few.

Your annual super statement is a snapshot of how your super is going, but it’s also an opportunity to take a look under the hood and make sure you’re happy with its current settings.

Your super is likely one of your biggest financial assets, and unfortunately that makes it a popular target for scammers. We look at a few tactics they might use and what you can do to help stay safe.

While your super can seem like a 'set and forget' investment, you might find there are more suitable options than the default ones.

There are plenty of ways to give your child a head start financially. But is contributing to their super a good idea?

If you’re thinking about retiring soon, take some time to review your financial position and think about which of the following categories you might find yourself in.

Your child is sure to learn plenty of important money lessons once they start earning an income, but there’s still plenty you can do to nudge them in the right direction.

Behavioural economist Simon Russell discusses some of the ways that our unconscious mind might be calling the shots when it comes to investing.
Superannuation, divorce and family law can be difficult enough to navigate on their own, but things can get especially complex when they’re bundled together. Here are some things to keep in mind when splitting super with an ex-spouse.
If elaborate spreadsheets aren’t your thing, you might use these metrics to get a sense of how your finances are faring — and how far you have to go to reach your goals.

Take it seriously and your super will likely end up among the most important financial assets you own. Here are a few goals to keep in mind if you're looking to boost your super, no matter your age.

Circumstances change, and you might be thinking about returning to work after having entered retirement. But is this allowed if you’ve already accessed your super?

Receiving a large sum of money can seem like a blessing at first. But the novelty and excitement can quickly give way to stress and decision paralysis.

Our post-work years often lack the structure and meaning that our working years did. For those looking for a substitute, volunteering might be the answer.

There’s been a lot of focus on the rejigged stage 3 tax cuts. But there’s another way to potentially reduce your taxes, and it receives comparatively little attention.

If all has gone according to plan, you’ll have enough super to live comfortably in retirement. But there’s more than one way that super can be paid out, and what you choose to do with yours can make a big difference.

If the prospect of a comfortable retirement wasn’t incentive enough, there are a number of ways Australians can boost their retirement savings and save on tax at the same time.

Retirement isn’t always as glamorous as it’s made out to be, but things can be especially challenging if the decision to leave the workforce wasn’t yours to begin with.

Whether you’re scouring the job boards or sitting across an interviewer, a prolonged absence from work can hurt your confidence. If you’re looking to get your career back up and running, here are some tips that might help.

No one knows with certainty what their post-work years will look like, but there’s a lot we can do to help secure the retirement we want.

During your retirement years, you can access a portion of your super to fund your day-to-day needs while the bulk of your balance remains invested.

Being proactive when it comes to your super can potentially have major benefits. Here are some steps you can take to help bring the retirement you want within reach.

Is your empty nest no longer empty? Here are some ways to navigate the emotional and financial challenges of an adult child moving back home.

Are you confident your super will go to your preferred beneficiary if you pass away? Here are a few scenarios that might cause trouble for you.

There’s more to your super statement than how well your fund has performed. Here are a few questions to ask when you receive yours.

Super funds invest in many different assets to grow members’ retirement savings, including unlisted assets. But do you know how they work?

A lot has changed in the tax and super space this new financial year. Here’s a rundown of some of the most important items you should know about.

When it comes to your super, small decisions can have significant consequences. If you’re worried about things snowballing, consider these strategies.

High inflation may have complicated your plans to retire early, but there are few things you should consider before giving up.

Worried that you won’t be able to give your family a helping hand in life without dipping into your retirement savings? Here are a few tips.

We look at some of the reasons your pension payments might be falling short and what you can do about it.

Tax time is often stressful, but with a few smart strategies you may be able to minimise your tax burden and give yourself a nice little refund at the same time.

If you’re suffering from Fear of Running Out (FORO), we’ve got some ideas to get you unstuck and on track with your future.

If you’re in your 50s and selling your home is on the radar, you may be able to use some of the proceeds to boost your super.

Learn some simple ways to help set yourself up to be fighting fit for the year ahead.

Are you making the most of the types of super contributions on offer? We share three things that might just surprise you.
If your leftover super is headed to adult children when you pass away, then be sure to take note of the significant tax implications.

If you’re in the lead up to retirement, you may be wondering what you can do to help keep your retirement plans on track. Read on for some ideas.

On 25 October 2022, Treasurer Jim Chalmers handed down an updated 2022-23 Federal Budget. Read about what these proposed measures could mean for you.

Being self-employed can come with its challenges. If you have ‘lumpy’ income to deal with, here are a few tips on how to manage this income in good times, and bad.

Simon O’Connor, CEO of the Responsible Investment Association Australasia (RIAA) shares some insights from their annual benchmarking report.

How is your financial health? Check in on your finances with these simple and practical tips.

Your annual statement can provide an opportunity to scrutinise your super. Here we cover some areas to review when it comes your way.

Deciding whether to boost your super, pay down your mortgage, or help your kids out is a common dilemma. We look at some of the considerations to weigh up.

Read about some of the key changes to super, tax, and social security measures as the new financial year gets underway.

EOFY is just around the corner. Learn 5 things that may help to reduce your personal income tax and/or provide for your retirement.

To be eligible to access super, you must be able to meet a specified condition of release. In this article, we give an overview of the conditions of release—which isn’t limited to ‘attaining age 65’.

On 29 March 2022, Treasurer Josh Frydenberg delivered the 2022-23 Federal Budget. We provide an overview of key proposed policy measures that may be relevant to you and your personal finances.

At 30 June 2021, 65% of all SMSFs had a corporate trustee structure—instead of an individual trustee structure. In this article, we discuss SMSF trustee responsibility, eligibility, and structure types.
The Household, Income and Labour Dynamics in Australia (HILDA) Survey collects information on many aspects of life. In this article, we explore retirement trends highlighted in the 2021 HILDA Survey.

If you work casual or part-time, take time out of work, or have ‘lumpy’ income, it can mean periods where no super contributions are made. In this article, we discuss the carry-forward provision.
Many older Australians desire to age in place, though housing and care needs change as people age. In this article, we cover retirees ageing in place—and the concept of a liveable and adaptable home.

For some of us, there can often be an investing behaviour gap between what we should do, and what we actually do. In this article, we cover recent research findings on investment switching behaviour.

Our super—and subsequent retirement income (and outcome)—can be boosted by, among other things, increasing our contributions. In this article, we cover boosting retirement savings with contributions.
Vanessa Stoykov is a renowned Australian money educator. In this special financial education piece, Vanessa shares why it’s key to set investment goals and follow through with a plan to achieve them.
In the 2021-22 Budget, key proposed measures were announced in relation to super. In this article, we provide an update on several of these measures currently sitting in parliament.

Vanessa Stoykov is a renowned Australian money educator. In this special financial education piece, Vanessa shares how children can alter our priorities and change our approach to long-term planning.

When it comes to tax on concessional contributions, some high-income earners may have to pay an additional 15% tax (Division 293 tax). In this article, we provide a brief overview of Division 293 tax.

Housing (homeownership) is a key factor influencing retirement outcomes—not just financially speaking. In this article, we discuss retirement and several things to consider with regard to housing.

For the 2018-19 financial year, 436,952 individuals claimed on average $13,395 in deductions for personal super contributions. In this article, we briefly cover personal deductible contributions.
For some of us, it can be challenging to grow our super. In this article, we briefly discuss several Government super contribution measures, which may help those eligible to grow their super for retirement.
Your retirement income (and outcome) can be intrinsically linked to your accumulation, and use, of wealth inside super. In this article, we provide tips on reviewing your annual super statement.

Super is, without a doubt, complex and ever-changing. In this article, we share an important change to super following the recent passing of the ‘Your Future, Your Super’ legislation.
A new financial year can be an opportune time to take stock of your overall personal finances and make changes if needed. In this article, we provide a list of questions that may help you with this.
The commencement of a new financial year can see rates and thresholds increase (or decrease) and legislation take effect. In this article, we provide important information on changes from 1 July 2021.
Accumulating wealth in super takes, among other things, contributions. However, there are limits to this. In this article, we cover contribution eligibility conditions—maximum age and the work test.
From a wealth accumulation and cash flow generation perspective, super is widely considered one of the most tax-effective investment structures. In this article, we cover 11 key tax facts about super.

When it comes to achieving financial wellbeing, financial literacy plays a key role. In this article, we have put together a quiz to test your knowledge across various areas of your personal finances.
With 30 June coming up, please consider putting aside time to review your personal finances—and take action, prior to this date, if appropriate. In this article, we provide EOFY planning tips.

Treasurer Josh Frydenberg delivered the 2021-22 Federal Budget on 11 May 2021. We provide an overview of several key proposed policy measures that may be relevant to you.

According to ASFA, the lump sum savings required at retirement for a comfortable lifestyle is $640,000 for a couple. In this article, we cover building super savings together via spouse contributions.
The contributions caps limit the amount that can be contributed to super. In this article, we provide details on the future indexation of the contributions caps (concessional and non-concessional).

When establishing an insurance policy, it’s important to choose an appropriate ownership structure. In this article, we cover total and permanent disability (TPD) insurance and ownership structures.

The Age Pension remains is a key source of income for many older Australians in retirement. In this article, we discuss the Age Pension and the eligibility tests that need to be met to qualify for it.
The transfer balance cap limits the amount of super benefits that can be transferred to retirement phase. In this article, we provide information on the future indexation of the transfer balance cap.
The Parliament recently debated many important pieces of proposed legislation. In this article, we provide a summary of the main aspects of these now legislated taxation and social security Bills.

Australia’s retirement income system consists of a three-pillar approach. In this article, we highlight the key findings from the Government’s recently released Retirement Income Review final report.
Super benefits may comprise of two components: a tax-free and taxable (taxed element) component. In this article, we discuss a re-contribution strategy—one way to increase the tax-free component.
Treasurer Josh Frydenberg delivered the 2020-21 Federal Budget on 6 October 2020. We provide you with an overview of the main proposed measures that may be relevant to you and your personal finances.

The pressure that can come with making a financial decision can lead to no decision being made and no action being taken. In this article, we discuss financial rules of thumb (decision shortcuts).

A transition to retirement income stream (TRIS), among other things, may help you ease into retirement—reduce your work hours, while maintaining your income level. In this article, we cover TRIS.
The receipt and review of your annual super statement can assist you to stay actively engaged with, and well-informed on, your super. In this article, we provide a review checklist to help with this.
The Treasurer delivered a ‘mini-budget’ on 23 July 2020—an economic and fiscal update. In this article, we provide a summary of the update, inclusive of the main personal finance-related points.
A new financial year can mean change—thresholds and rates can increase (or decrease), and legislation can take effect. In this article, we provide information on change occurring from 1 July 2020.
When looking at long-term data, the workforce participation rate of those aged 65 and over has steadily risen over the years. In this article, we discuss working during retirement and the Work Bonus.
With the end of financial year on the horizon, it’s important to review areas of our personal finances, and take action if required, before 30 June. In this article, we discuss EOFY planning tips.
To access super, a condition of release must be met. In this article, we list these conditions of release, and also provide information on the potential long-term impact of accessing super early.
When an adverse event does occur, the outcome for those with an appropriate measure in place and those without can be vastly different. In this article, we list various personal finance measures.
Economic and financial issues continue to emerge from the COVID-19 pandemic. In this article, we provide information on the Government’s support for individuals and households in this difficult time.
Upon commencing a pension, you may have the option to nominate a reversionary beneficiary. In this article, we discuss the facts on this type of superannuation income stream death benefit nomination.
A limit applies to the amount of super benefits you can transfer from accumulation phase to retirement phase to support an account-based pension. In this article, we discuss the transfer balance cap.
A resolution is a firm decision to do or not to do something. In this article, we discuss New Year’s resolutions, and why it can be challenging to keep these resolutions (and resolutions generally).
Change is inevitable. In this article, we cover legislative changes to the PBS, redundancy payments, salary sacrificing arrangements, and self-managed super funds (NALI and LRBAs).
When transferring wealth before your passing, it’s vital to consider the potential financial impact to you. In this article, we discuss Age Pension entitlements, and the gifting and deprivation rules.
In retirement, you may find your retirement lifestyle being funded by a variety of different sources. In this article, we provide an overview of Australia’s three-pillar retirement income system.
A bill, which builds upon the previously passed ‘Protecting Your Super Package’, recently passed through parliament. In this article, we explore the combined impact of these pieces of legislation.
Did you know that several wealth accumulation strategies can be impacted by your total super balance (TSB)? In this article, we discuss your TSB and these wealth accumulation strategies in detail.

An important relationship exists between monetary policy, cash rates and interest rates. In this article, we take a look at what this relationship means for borrowers, savers and investors (retirees).
An account based income stream, can be one of the most tax effective ways to fund your retirement lifestyle. In this article, we discuss the top 10 facts about account based income streams.
Retirement income can often come from several sources. In this article, given the low interest rate environment, we discuss retirement in general, and also changes to the Age Pension deeming rates.
As a super fund member, you will be receiving your annual super statement soon. In this article, we provide you with a helpful checklist for reviewing this important document.

Are you looking for a broad overview of the existing self-managed super fund (SMSF) sector? In this article, we provide you with SMSF insights to help you get up to speed.
When it ticks over to a new financial year, often existing rates and thresholds increase, and new legislative instruments take effect. In this article, we discuss the state of play from 1 July 2019.
Several changes are coming to superannuation, and action may be required on your part prior to 1 July 2019. In this article, we discuss the recently legislated Protecting Your Superannuation Package.
Many Bills managed to become Acts before the dissolution of parliament. In this article, we look at several of these pertaining to social security, superannuation and taxation.
Many Bills lapsed following the dissolution of parliament ahead of the federal election. In this article, we look at several of these pertaining to employment, social security and superannuation.
As we approach the end of financial year (EOFY), this can be an opportune time to do some fine-tuning in areas of your personal finances. In this article, we provide EOFY planning tips.
The Global Retirement Index assesses and compares the level of retirement wellbeing and security in different countries around the world. In this article, we explore how Australia ranks.
The FIRE (Financial Independence, Retire Early) movement is a rather controversial social lifestyle movement that’s gaining some traction. In this article, we provide insight into this movement.
Treasurer Josh Frydenberg delivered the 2019-20 Federal Budget on 2 April 2019. We provide you with a summary of the main proposed measures that may be relevant to you and your personal finances.
Proper, ongoing management accounting is crucial for running a successful, long-term business. This is the same for your personal accounting. In this article, we explore personal financial statements.
Whether you are a wealth accumulator or retiree, determining an appropriate investment risk profile is important. In this article, we discuss the process behind this in further detail.
The saying ‘asset-rich, but income-poor’ can be an accurate description of the financial situation of some retirees. In this article, we look at the Government’s Pension Loans Scheme.
With 2019 here, it’s time to kick-start your personal finances for the year ahead. In this article, we provide you with a financial checklist to help you take stock of your personal circumstances.
For some of us, there will come a time when we part ways with our spouse for one reason or another. In this article, we look at several findings regarding the financial impact of divorce.
Taking a proactive approach to retirement planning earlier means you can benefit from the power of compounding and give yourself flexibility along the way. In this article, we explore this further.
The financial lifecycle provides a simplistic framework upon which to understand the path people travel during their lives. In this article, we unpack what this means for you.

When it comes to sources of income in retirement, superannuation plays a major role. However, for some women, it can be challenging to build up this retirement nest egg; we take a closer look.

Super will be one of the biggest financial assets that you will ever own in your lifetime. Despite this, some of us find it difficult to actively engage with our super – often only doing so upon receipt of our annual super statement. As such, in this article, we discuss super engagement in greater detail.
In our daily lives, we are constantly confronted with consumer-based distractions of a predominantly ‘want purchase’ nature. As a result, staying on the path towards the achievement of your financial goals and objectives can sometimes prove difficult. In this article, we discuss this further.

When it comes to ageing and health in retirement, there are often three chapters that people will experience as they move through their retirement years. In this article, we look at this in terms of retirement planning and better informing your expectations of what retirement may entail for you.
We are now into the 2018-19 financial year; there are several finalised (as well as pending) legislative updates that are due to take effect either from 1 July or later in the year. In this article, we briefly touch on the top 10 that may be relevant to your financial situation, goals and objectives.

When it comes to saving habits, there are often three camps, regular savers, irregular savers and non-savers. Invariably, there is a relationship between saving motives and saving habits; however, external factors can sometimes be a disruptive force.

For many of us, retirement age (and how we intend to fund our retirement lifestyle) is often guided by the rules relating to the accessibility of certain sources of income, for example, superannuation and the Age Pension. In this article, we discuss these rules in further detail.
Treasurer Scott Morrison delivered the 2018-19 Federal Budget on 8 May 2018. We provide you with a summary of the main proposed measures that may be relevant to you and your personal finances.

An emerging preference over the last few years has been the desire by some investors to align their investment values with their personal values. In this article, we highlight some of the finer details relating to Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG) investing.

The Association of Superannuation Funds of Australia (ASFA) provides a regularly updated guide as to what it may cost to fund your retirement in the post-work years, depending on your age, marital status and lifestyle. We drill further down into the detail and provide some useful insights.
Residential investment properties are assets purchased to achieve an investment objective, and their acquisition is based on financial benefit. Income-generation is an important part of the rate of return equation. As such, we explore some considerations regarding attraction and retention of tenants.
Perspective can be a powerful tool when used appropriately. Have you ever wondered how you compare to the average Australian in terms of financial attitudes and behaviours? We look at several of the findings from ASIC’s latest Australian Financial Attitudes and Behaviour Tracker (Wave 5).

In our daily lives, we are constantly confronted with situations in which we are required, or in some instances encouraged, to make a decision about what we spend our money on. We discuss several of the results from the renowned Marshmallow Experiment and how they may apply to your personal finances.
For some retirees, travel can be a high priority, especially early on in retirement. You may want to capitalise on the time and resources available to you by travelling whilst you are still fit and healthy. Here are some savings tips to help with planning that next trip away (wealth accumulators may find it helpful too!).
The 2017 Budget introduced many proposed measures aimed at addressing the issue of housing affordability and several of these are now law. We will review the new laws and how they relate to a residential property investor, retirees wishing to downsize or a prospective first homebuyer.
Warren Buffett, known as the ‘Oracle of Omaha’, is arguably one of the most successful investors of all time. In this article, we take a look at some of his most famous quotes and apply the meaning behind them to certain areas of your personal finances, such as investing, risk management and philanthropy.
Given the continual changes, it can be easy to see why some wealth accumulators and retirees have become frustrated with super; however, it’s important to remember the key benefits that continue to make it such a powerful investment structure. In this article, we discuss several of these.
One of the risks facing retirees is the potential of running out of money in your retirement savings by living longer than expected; this is commonly referred to as longevity risk. In this article, we discuss several considerations for retirees in regards to longevity risk.
To reach the finish line of a marathon, you need preparation, flexibility and perseverance. In many ways, retirement planning is the same, let’s consider some of the parallels between the two.
Your annual super statement has lots of important information to help you better understand your super. In this article, we cover some key things to check in your annual super statement before filing it away.
When considering your personal finances, is there a battle between your present and future self? In this article, we look at the importance of aligning your present self with your future self.
The new financial year has ushered in many legislative changes when it comes to personal finances. These are most noticeable in superannuation, but also impact other areas. Read more about these changes and how they may affect you.
You’ve probably heard the saying, “Don’t put all of your eggs in the one basket”, but what does it mean? In this article, we explore the importance of diversification when it comes to portfolio construction.
The end of financial year is close. In this article, we look at end of financial year planning strategies that may be worth considering, when it comes to tax and superannuation.
Whilst on the path to financial freedom, occasionally it can be helpful to gain perspective along the way, by considering and then reflecting on the financial attitudes and behaviours of others. In this article, we look at several of the interesting findings from the 2017 Wealth Report.
The 2017-18 Federal Budget delivered on the 9 May 2017 was packed with several already anticipated moves, whilst also delivering a few surprises. In this article, we provide a summary of the main announcements that may affect you.

If you are considering selling a small business or the assets it uses, you may be eligible for a range of CGT concessions to help reduce the capital gains tax associated with the sale. We discuss the several concessions that may be available to you.
The foundation of goals-based investing lies in ensuring that there is alignment between your financial goals and objectives, tolerance for risk and the way your investment portfolio is ultimately invested. We explore this in a little more detail.
The annual concessional and non-concessional contribution cap limits (and the maximum bring-forward rule) will decrease from 1 July 2017. We explore the opportunities to maximise your super contributions now and into the future.
The dust has now settled, and several new tax and superannuation bills have been formally passed through the House of Representatives and Senate corresponding to the Government’s ‘Superannuation Reform Package’ announced back in the 2016 Federal Budget. The majority of the Government’s proposed changes have made it through parliament.

When devising a retirement plan, there are several different strategies that a financial adviser can employ to make sure that you have enough to meet your retirement lifestyle needs. This may or may not include relying in part or in whole on other sources of income such as the Age Pension at some stage. We’ll focus on one such strategy – the ‘bucket’ approach.

According to recent data, there has been an increase in the number of pre-retirees – 55-64 year olds, participating in the sharing economy (such as Uber, Airbnb and Gumtree) in an attempt to boost their wealth and income.
Regardless of your age, one of the ways to help you grow your wealth and prepare for retirement is to take an active interest in your super sooner rather than later. A good place to start is with some simple housekeeping. If you have multiple super accounts weigh up the pros and cons and consider the impact this may have on your end ‘retirement nest egg’.
It’s that time of year again, it won’t be long now before your annual superannuation statements will arrive (if they haven’t already). Superannuation can be full of confusing terms. Deciphering the jargon can be a challenge. We explore some common terms to help you.
The proposed changes to the Centrelink Age Pension announced in last years’ federal budget are now law, and will take effect from 1 January 2017. Two significant changes will be imposed, these may be good and bad news for Age Pensioners. It’s important to review these changes and understand how they may impact your or your family member’s entitlement.

A new financial year, just like a new calendar year is a great time to set new goals and make resolutions. For many people, setting resolutions is the easy part, but sticking to them can be quite difficult - some tricks on setting resolutions you can actually achieve.
In the current environment many investors are seeking additional sources of return for their portfolios, but with slower economic growth and low interest rates this can be difficult to find and can often lead to investing in higher risk strategies.

This year's Federal Budget included an array of changes to superannuation, for many people, this has created a window of opportunity to utilise super contributions prior to 1 July 2017. Here's what you need to know.
The 2016 Federal Budget may impact you more than you think, mainly because your tax dollars go towards making it happen, but also because changes were announced that affect nearly every Australian.
Tax time can be a breeze for some and a nightmare for others. As we are just a few months away from the end of financial year, now is the perfect time to organise your financial affairs with our end of financial year planning tips!
People often take a break from work to manage changes in their lives. When this happens, they’re also taking a break from receiving super contributions, which may affect their retirement savings. But there are things you can do to help manage this gap.
New changes to the Personal Asset rules for SMSFs will affect which assets count as investments and how they are to be treated if held by the SMSF. Review the changes to ensure you are across this before 1 July.
If you have a Gen Y in your family, you may have noticed that their attitude to money is different to yours. Here are some things you can do to help your Gen Y stay on track financially.
Moving in with a partner can be an exciting time, but don’t just jump in. Take the time to think upfront about the financial practicalities and what it could mean if things don’t go according to plan. This might apply to you or a loved one.
It’s nearly time to sign off from work and start the holidays. Give yourself a stress-free vacation knowing that your finances are taken care of by ticking off these financial ‘to-dos’.
With so many decisions to make in life, we often forget to plan. But certain events are too important to gamble with - have you planned for the things that matter?
These days there are many different ways people can change their living situation as they get older. Are you thinking about your next move? Explore the different options that might be suitable to you.
The investment markets are volatile once again. So what should investors do? It can be difficult to sit tight during turbulent times, but it’s important to maintain a balanced perspective. Perhaps these reminders can help.
We are living longer than we ever had before and the expectation is our life expectancy will keep increasing. So what income will we need in retirement, it ultimately depends on our desired lifestyle. Here are the numbers…
You might have already received your superannuation statement, if not it will arrive shortly. It is a great time to review the important aspects of your statement and what they mean to you. Here are 5 things we believe it is important to understand.
Have you spent your tax refund yet or are you planning to? There can be a number of worthwhile options when it comes to spending or investing your tax refund. You might utilise a couple of different ideas. We explore a few.
There are many things to consider when returning to work after caring for young ones. There are both financial and non-financial considerations. This article explores the important things that need to be considered.
You may have heard of the term salary sacrifice before but are not sure what it means or how it works? In this article we take a look at salary sacrifice in more detail as it relates to superannuation.
When it comes to retiring, there are a number of risks that retirees face that are specific to the retirement life stage. This article explores the most common risks retirees face and how to prepare for and manage them.
Is your superannuation balance bigger than your spouse’s? In this article we explore 4 common ways you can boost your spouse’s super balance.
The 2015 Federal Budget was relatively tame, with a big focus on creating jobs and stimulating economic growth. Our article looks at what’s in it for you. From the changes for the young and unemployed, for families, business owners, to the over 50's and the already retired.
While most of us can’t wait to finish work and retire an increasing number of Australians are also opting to maintain an active lifestyle and career into their 70’s and beyond. Why are people choosing to delay retirement?
Knowing just what to do with surplus cash can be difficult. How do you figure out whether it’s better to invest in your own name, pay down your mortgage or put more in your super fund?
The end of another financial year is fast approaching and now is a great time to think about the ways you can build and protect your wealth. Here are some great ideas in the lead up to 30 June.
If an early retirement is something you aspire to, here are five things you need to know.
For most Australians, superannuation represents their largest single investment after buying their own home. The more you know about your super and the more control you have over it, the greater your chance of reaching your retirement income goals.
You may be aware that in the event that you are to pass away, your superannuation benefits will not automatically form part of your estate assets. Instead, superannuation death benefits are normally distributed via a beneficiary nomination.
When a marriage, or a de-facto relationship breaks down, the task of separating finances can be very difficult and stressful. This article looks into the financial implications of divorce with regards to asset splitting.
If you’re earning less than $37,000pa and you or your employer make concessional (before-tax) contributions to your superannuation fund then you may be eligible for a refund of up to $500pa. Our article explains how.

Given the complexities of retiring, even with a plan, you can sometimes make mistakes.
But the good news is that we can learn from some of the more common mistakes that retirees make, in the hope that we may be able to avoid making them ourselves.
There are a few rules and limits with Non-Concessional Super Contributions. We explore the age-based contribution limits and the Bring Forward Rule and how they might apply to your situation.
It’s never too early or too late to start planning for your retirement. We investigate what an average retirement income looks like and how much you might need to save in order to live a comfortable retirement.
The Treasurer Joe Hockey announced the toughest Federal Budget since 1996 with the tightening of the nation’s belt and a focus on cost cutting to lower the nation’s $49.9 billion deficit. The budget measures announced propose a reduction in the deficit next year to $29.8 billion and a gradual decrease over the next 3 years following to an estimated $2.8 billion in 2017/18.

The Australia Federal Budget is a hot topic at the moment and this article is a timely discussion explaining why the Australian Government has a federal budget, what it is designed to do and how it is implemented.
From 1 July 2014, the non-concessional (after-tax) and concessional contributions limits will increase as a result of indexation in line with average wages (AWOTE). Find out more here.
Self Employed with no super. For 25% of self-employed Australian’s this is the reality they are currently facing. Just because super isn’t compulsory for the self-employed doesn’t mean it shouldn’t be a priority. Our article explains why.

These days many people are choosing to make a more gradual transition from full-time work to retirement. This article explores the various ways a Transition to Retirement Strategy could benefit you if you are nearing retirement.
It seems almost every second day the financial media is discussing Self Managed Superannuation Funds (SMSFs). Over the past decade SMSFs have become very popular, although they are not necessarily well understood. So, what is a Self-Managed Superannuation Fund, and what makes them different from a “standard” superannuation account?

Turning age 65 may signal retirement for many, but age is just one of many triggers that may indicate that you are ready to retire. In this article we look at three main considerations for timely retirement.
There is a range of concessions available to Senior Australians. The type of concessions that apply will largely depend on your age, location and whether you're eligible for a pension from Centrelink, Department of Veterans Affairs (DVA) or are considered to be a self-funded retiree.
Understanding just when you are entitled to access your superannuation benefits can be confusing. Superannuation is designed to help you fund your retirement; therefore there are specific rules...
With the end of the financial year having just passed, it means it's now time to get ready to lodge your 2012/13 tax return! This article provides our top tips to help you prepare and get the most from your 2012/13 tax return.
When we were children, our parents spent a good deal of time taking care of us – and reminded some of us that one day, we would return the favour.

If you feel like you’ve run out of time to get your affairs in order, the good news is there’s a few considerations which can help minimise your tax, and make the most of the money you earn.
This year’s Federal Budget has been quoted as the Treasuer’s Swan Song. This article will briefly review the main points within the Budget.

This article takes a brief look into what is actually involved in the Federal Parliamentary Process and the steps that need to be taken to make a proposal into law.
If you've been following the news over the past month, then you may have noticed the increased discussion taking place about proposed changes to the superannuation system announced by the Labor Government in April 2013.
If your budget points to there being surplus income left over each pay, it helps to have a plan for these savings.
If you currently or previously have had a share portfolio or an investment property outside of super, you would usually be interested in how the investment is going. So where is your Super invested?
Importantly, superannuation differs from most other investments as it is not distributed via your Will when you die. Instead, you nominate your desired beneficiary for your superannuation through your fund.
The Age Pension is a Government financial benefit paid to Australian residents upon reaching a certain age, ranging from 60 years and up.
If you missed the Budget, we have a summary for you, it has been described as taking from the rich and giving to the poor.
For some, it may seem trivial to review the nature of compounding, but it’s such a powerful tool for any investor that it warrants a review in this article.
If you do have future financial goals, such as, retirement, buying a house, paying off your mortgage or buying a car or boat, then planning can certainly help achieve such goals in a timely and effective way.
Although some parents are dead against it, many like the idea of giving their kids a bit of assistance to get started into adulthood. Regardless of what you look at, the earlier you start, the easier it will be.
What does it mean to calibrate your confidence? Consider the accident ratios for young drivers. Drivers under 21 are more likely to be in a car accident than those over 21. Is the reason for this inexperience and therefore a lack of driving competence?

Money Personality is an innovative tool which can be used to further understand your preferences for dealing with money. This article provides some interesting background on this concept.

Before you ask for your next payrise, or receive your next payrise, ask yourself “is this going to be just another insane payrise?” So what makes for an “insane payrise”?
The Henry Report into the tax system is out, as well as the Government delivered their Budget for 2010. Taking a step back from the detail, one thing is guaranteed – our financial system will keep changing.
As there are so many areas of finance, it can be overwhelming to review every area of your finances. Here is a short list of suggestions that might help you choose some areas that you would like to review or make a change in.

Your money personality indicates what you are likely to look at, and how you are likely to make a financial decision. It applies to both the significant and trivial, like buying a house, a car and an ice cream.

What is the best way to achieve financial success? Money and finance have been around long enough now that surely someone has come up with the best way to achieve financial success.

70% of people experience conflict around money; perhaps the other 30% just don’t talk about it. Swiss psychologist Carl Jung believes that conflict is seldom based on what we are trying to achieve, but an outcome of disagreements on what is the best way to achieve what we want?